Sunday and Monday
I decided to leave Phuket to go to the other coast and island of Koh Phangan for the "full moon party" on the 12Th. Just about the time I think I am getting a good handle on traveling I do something stupid. I caught the 7 hr bus from Phuket to the ferry which is another 4-5 hrs to the island. When I arrived it started to rain and the rain has not stopped for 2 days. With the full moon party only 2 days away I decided to check the weather on Koh Phangan via the Internet (which is something I should have done before traveling 12 hrs to the other coast). The forecast was 100 % rain for the next 5 days. With room prices double for the party and rain assured for 5 more days I quickly decided that Malaysia was the place for me. After talking to a few local I found out that the west coast of Thailand has monsoon season until the 1st of November and then beautiful weather while the east coast monsoon season starts around the 1st of November.
But I did meet a beautiful, Brazilian girl on the sleeper ferry and we had some great conversations about travel and I expressed my great desire to visit Chile, Argentina, Antarctica and Brazil next year. Her name was Tatiana.
Then almost like a gift from heaven, I am sitting next to another beautiful girl, Maria, from Chile who also happened to be on the sleeper ferry but I did not see when she came in. We talked while riding in the minibus for hours about everything and it was one of the highlights of my trip. It was almost like fate because at the Malaysian border I was transferred to a different minibus and said bye to Maria. But then there was a problem with that bus and I was sent by motorbike to catch another minibus. As I climbed into the back seat, the first person I saw was Maria who moved over and asked what I was doing back again.
Not often do you meet two beautiful girls from South America who were living in New Zealand and Australia respectively while you are visiting Thailand.
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